Personnel Development and Academic Placement Workload
1. Request an academic placement of academic personnel.
1.1 Prepare an agenda and a minute of the committee to consider academic positions.
1.2 Transfer academic works to a qualified committee to be evaluated.
1.3 Attend a meeting with the committee to consider academic positions.
1.4 Conduct a meeting with the qualified committee to evaluate academic works and ethics.
1.5 Report resolutions of the committee to its affiliated faculty and applicants for academic placement.
1.6 Disburse remuneration and expenses for meetings of committee evaluating academic positions and qualified committee.
2. Operate promotions to higher positions of supportive personnel.
2.1 Prepare an agenda and the minutes of the committee appointing officers to hold higher positions.
2.2 Attend a meeting with an evaluation committee appointing officers to hold higher positions.
2.3 Submit academic work to the committee to be evaluated.
2.4 Report resolutions of the committee to its affiliated faculty and applicants for academic placement.
2.5 Disburse remuneration and expenses for meetings of committee appointing officers to hold higher positions.
3. Operate educational leave.
3.1 Administrate and control various scholarship students.
3.2 Withdraw the cost of continuing education of personnel.
3.3 Monitor and reports advance in education of personnel who continue to study.
3.4 Attend a meeting with the Fund Management and Personnel Development committee.
4. Operate trainings
4.1 Explore needs in trainings of personnel.
4.2 Prepare personnel development plans.
4.3 Supervise and implement personnel development according to the plans.
4.4 Prepare annual budget for personnel development.
5. Quality assurance of Personnel Division